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  Apply for admission in Future ready schools through zamit Admissions Let’s talk education, wait, let’s retry. We are here to discuss future ready education. Because what may become redundant in near future, deserve no chance in today’s education system. Our education system must be efficient enough to prepare today’s students as tomorrow’s work-force. Everyday technology is advancing, what was new today may be replaced by something better tomorrow. You must be thinking that is natural, yes, that is natural but the speed at which technology and other factors are changing our lifestyle is so fast that if you are not fast enough to learn it all at the right time, you might feel left out in future. So, don’t think about just schools when you are looking for your child’s school admission, instead search for future-ready schools. Head to zamit to learn about Future ready schools near you . In order to stay ahead of others, you must know what’s new in the world of education that too from an